version 0.2

Another FNAF Fan Game

version 0.2

  1. Basic monsters funtionality
    1. Monsters are just teleported from place to place as they movements.
    2. Next place where monster will go is generated randomly.
    3. Monsters have its own available places, they can't go enywhere else.
    4. When monsters came or leave such place, corresponding 3d sound is played.
    5. Monsters have its own available places where they can attack player.
    6. When monster is in available attack place it constantly prepare to attack the player. Monsters can try to attack multiple times as long as they remain at attack place.
    7. Monster's attacks could be stopped by using stopping machanics.
    8. If the attack is not stopped in time, the scarry sound is played and the player loose.
  2. Basic cameras funtionality
    1. Cameras in form of simple quick-made images inform player where montsers are currently.
    2. Player can switch between cameras using buttons below camera view.
    3. Cameras update state (monsters present or not) view in real time.
    4. Cameras what correspond to monster attack place have gray collor.
  3. Doors funtionality
    1. Doors could be open or closed by clicking on button pad near the coresponding door.
    2. Closed door prevent monster attack player.
  4. Addiotional entrance
    1. Monster B can attack from open middle place.
    2. Turning on light can prevent the attack.
    3. Light could be turned on by clicking left mouse button and holding mouse in entrance area.
    4. Moving coursor outside entrance area while holding the button will keep the light on.
    5. If left mouse button is not pressed and coursor is moved to entrance area, the light will be turn off.
  5. Basic power management
    1. Closing doors and keeping the light on will drain the power.
    2. Power usage is indicated by HUD element.
    3. If power goes to 0% nothing happen. For now player had to be honest and stop opening doors and turning of light.
  6. Time
    1. Game measure time of current round and convert it to in game hours.
    2. Game hours starting at 22:00 (10PM) and ending at 6:00 (6AM).
    3. HUD element shows the current time.
  7. Win and loose contitions
    1. Player can win by surviving from 22:00 (10PM) to 6:00 (6AM) - 8 minutes in game
    2. Player can loose by not stopping monsters attack.

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